Online Instructionals

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Pierre-Olivier Leclerc’s Armbar escape instructional

The armbar is one of the classic and most common submission in Jiu Jitsu and there’s plenty of variations. Learn to escape it and have an answer to every single armbars thrown at you. The instructionals comes with Voice over training and competition footage to help you see and understand the fine details.


Oliver Taza’s Leglock instructional

Leglocks have changed the way we do JiuJitsu in the last decade. Highly effective and shown to be one of the best submission in competition. Learn all the position and the breaking mechanics with one of the best leglocker on the scene right now.

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Seph Smith’s instructionals

If you’re looking for some of the best instructionals online, Seph Smith has plenty of GI content available, From Armlock to sweeps to omoplata, his high level instructions will help you get your game to the next level.